Thursday, August 25, 2011

Three For Thursday

I'm trying something new here at Tales of a Third Grade Something...I'm blog hopping.  This comes from Blog Hoppin' and you can join in too.  Today simply answer three questions and link back up.  Here goes nothing.

The three questions:

  1. My favorite font
  2. My favorite blog
  3. My favorite online resource

1.  Well, can I say ANY font that comes from  She seriously has the best fonts.  I'm currently in love with Pea Lauryn, which I used to compile my Master's Presentation.

2.  My favorite blog...this is tough!  I'm just recently into the whole teacher blogging thing and I love many of the ones I've seen so far.  So I'm cheating a little, I'll share three!  

Lutton 519

Clutter-Free Classroom

3. My favorite online resource--again, there are so many!  But I think I'll have to go with Two Writing Teachers.  Their resources have been invaluable. 

So there you have it.  Next step for me...create a button!


  1. I LOVE the font you shared. I'm going to have to download it today! Thanks!

  2. I totally love the Clutter Free Classroom blog. Used the fabric technique in my room today, not on a window, but on the back of a bookshelf that's really ugly. I used to always keep the back of the shelf to a wall, but this year wanted to try the idea of a "reading nook" out. The fabric worked like a charm!
