Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This is a work-in-progress post.  But this is my calendar area.  I only recently, last year, started doing calendar in the morning with my students and guess what?  I love it.  It gives me time to reinforce some skills that aren't always addressed in the curriculum that I feel are life skills.  Of course there are other skills too, some you might need to know some day.

Sorry about the slight angle it's on and the slight blurriness. I realized today my lens is scratched )o:  Going to have to figure that out.  Anyhoo, as you can see it's colorful but hopefully not off-putting to the eye.  I have the months of the year, days of the week, ordinal numbers, standard and expanded notation, and even and odd numbers.

As for what soon as I purchase some velcro strips I will be fastening up a chart for counting the days with Base Ten pieces.  Also, I have a chart about rounding.

We have a new math curriculum this year, Everyday Math, and imagine my delight when I found out it was highly suggested that you add the minutes to your clock...when mine were already there.  It's so great for talking more concretely about time with kids.

But I'm wondering, what else?  Last year we worked on symmetry, shapes (regular and 3D), and even congruency. We also counted each morning--Monday by 2s, Tuesdays by 3s, Wednesdays by 4s, Thursdays by 5s, Fridays by 6s, and always did the reverse.

What other skills could I be touching on here?  What do you do with your calendar time?


  1. I'm having a similar issue. If I click just on the homepage of my blog the Followers doesn't show. But if I click on a specific entry then it shows up. Wanna try that? Or, how do I fix this bug? (o:
