Materials Needed to make 4 crates:
1 yard of fabric
1 yard of foam (I used something inventive...)
4 crates
Decorative ribbon-I'd say a foot
About half a sheet of OSB (Oriented Strand Board)
Staple gun
Pliers (needle nose, in case you need to remove a staple)
Bug spray. Oh wait, that's just me...who is living in the midst of the worst mosquito season in 20 years.
Check out the bargain price on the ribbon!
I loved both fabrics and they coordinated so I decided to make two of each.
This is an optional extra. She had to be right in the mix. Isn't she cute?
My amazing husband agreed to cut the OSB for me and when ba-knonkers! He cut them and sanded them. He went all out!
Anyway, lay your OSB on the foam and cut to size.
Cut your foam to size.
Set your foam and the OSB on the fabric, print side out.
Now take each side, one at a time, and tautly staple them to the OSB.
Now add your fabric strap. I didn't measure...just folded, checked, then cut.
Flip it over and check it out!
Fabric two:
And it's official, I love my new seats! I'm going to use them at my kidney table for small group. I'm pretty sure I'll be running an LLI group this year so my kiddos can keep their materials in their crates.
Easy project and well worth it!
Love your crates and your surprise foam :) Have you had any trouble with the OSB splintering? I've used it before and it starts getting tiny splinters after a while. Maybe spray it with a clear coat or shellac to smooth up the underside? Love your colors too!!